VME & MVME Board Repairs, Hardware Retrofit/Rebuild & Preventative Maintenance
Need a board fixed? Call us at +1
(978) 835-4539 or Email: Sales@embeddedsales.com
If you're reading this, chances are you need an item you can't find a
reliable source for, have defective equipment in need of repair, or
have some other requirement which goes beyond simply purchasing a spare
Below are some of the ways we can assist you in maintaining your
Repair Services:
We routinely repair a variety of industrial computer and I/O boards,
from a number of different manufacturers.
Besides Motorola / Emerson product lines, support is also available for
a wide range of other manufactures boards including but not limited to:
SBS, GE, Ramix, Bit 3, Force, Artesyn, Adlink, Themis, Datum / Bancomm,
Delta Tau, Greenspring, Interphase, Mercury, Micro Memory, Curtiss
Wright, Synergy, Radisys, Radstone, Xycom, Acromag, and others.
Buses supported include VME, Compact PCI, PMC, IndustryPack, Multibus
I, Multibus II, VXI, PCI, and ISA.
However we also repair proprietary embedded controller boards which do
not use an industry standard bus.
As long as a test process can be developed we will work on virtually
any type of equipment.
If you are currently using an OEM for repair service, chances are you
pay a hefty price and wait months to get your boards back.
We can do better, and can tailor our services to your needs, whether it
involves reinstalling your production firmware, or restoring correct
jumper settings and configuration variables for proper operation.
Now, if you're tried to get boards repaired before, you know that not
all repair vendors are created equal.
Everybody says they can do anything, but clearly this is not the case.
Why trust us with your project?
A. Functional Test capability:
We test every board before and after repair to verify both the nature
of the initial failure and the successful repair.
If necessary, we may load your application software and verify proper
operation of the board as you would use it in your system.
For certain types of boards we may write custom software or firmware to
exercise them.
We may also develop test scripts to repeatedly exercise your boards
under network load or over time, to screen for intermittent problems.
B. Automated test capability for higher volume repair work.
Have hundreds of an item you need fixed and tested?
We can handle it, and have established test fixtures and techniques for
exercising dozens of boards simultaneously to reduce lead times.
This can include automatically reconfiguring the units for your
application via settings changes and firmware downloads, without user
Details vary from project to project, but we can set up to accomodate
almost anything. Please contact us to discuss.
C. Attention to detail and personalized service. We're not a large
company, and we don't act like one.
We take the time to fully understand how your boards are being used in
in your application and the precise nature of the problems experienced.
Hardware retrofit & rebuild:
In many systems using EOL / discontinued / legacy hardware,
supportability issues are eventually encountered due to supply problems
Usually the only options are to buy used units as available, or
purchase reproduction units from a company licensing the original
design at high costs and long lead times.
For some items, reproduction may not even be a viable strategy due to
component obsolescence and shortages.
We can provide an alternative to these routes by retrofitting and
rebuilding existing board assemblies at the component level to match
your requirements.
Examples include requirements for boards with a specific memory and
processor configuration, or a special interface option the unit was not
commonly sold with.
In many cases this can be done with minimal lead time and little to no
setup fee.
Most importantly, units can be functionally tested prior to delivery to
ensure they meet your specifications and operate correctly.
In some cases drop-in replacements can also be developed or F3
compatible replacements identified, and we have deployed a number of
novel approaches to meet the needs of various customers.
Please contact us with your requirement to determine whether this
approach is appropriate.
Preventative maintenance:
After enough years in service, hardware failures can and do occur with
increasing frequency.
Sometimes this is due to stress on components while in service, other
times it can be caused by the limited lifetime of components used in
non-volatile data storage.
Even boards removed from service in working condition and added to your
spares pool are at risk for these issues. They work now, but will they
work in a few years?
For any board we repair or otherwise know the failure history for, we
can perform preventative maintenance.
Sending a technician to a site costs money, as does equipment downtime.
Replacing high failure or limited lifetime components now can pay for
itself in terms of increased reliability later.